
Alcatraz: 'The Rock'

So, to recap San Francisco. There were only a handful of things that I enjoyed. Among these was Alcatraz.
Under normal circumstances I'm a history nut, so I was already looking forward to this. When I got there I was, for lack of a better term, a gaping idiot.
Seen from the bay, it doesn't look like much, just some crumbly old buildings. But once you arrive on the island, it's magnificent, towering above you as it towers in legend.
And, I'm going to admit my other guilty pleasure...reading. I'm a total bookworm as well. So, I bought a book, 'Battle at Alcatraz' written by Ernest B. Lageson; it's about the escape attempt by Bernie Coy, whose plan was to take over from the inside of the prison, well, not necessarily 'take over', more like gain control from the inside. Which was pretty genius, but at the last moment his plans were foiled. But he had gone through a great deal of trials to gain control, so he and his accomplices started a riot which resulted in the warden calling in the Marines, Navy, and the Coast Guard. It's an amazing tale...and I'm not going to ruin the ending for you, you'll have to read it yourself. =)
Sorry about the picture, it was taken from inside the ferry.


Five outta Five

So, this is for those of you who don't know Ali and Coty. (Going Clockwise from the bottom left) Coty, Ali, and Your truly. So there you have it, the two missing links.

I'm bored, so I'm gonna tell you a joke

There was these two little boys, and they asked their mom if they could go out and pick walnuts off the walnut tree. She said yes, nut under the condition that they were home before the sun set. So, they went out and picked and picked and picked...and they lost track of time. The younger brother looked up and saw that they sun was just about to set. Panicked he went to his older brother who told him, "Don't worry, we'll cross the highway and cut through the graveyard, and be home in time for supper."

So, the younger brother picked up all the nuts and they cut across the highway and jumped the graveyard wall, where the little boy dropped all the nuts, two of which rolled onto the other side of the wall. He got on his hands and knees and started counting, "One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me..."

Now, a drunk comes walking by and he here's the little boy counting "One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me..." And he runs back to the bar as fast as a drunk can run, he finds his pal and says "I heard the lord and the devil dividin' up souls!" His friend looks at him and says, "Oh, yeah! Prove it!"

So they walk down to the graveyard wall, put their ears up against it, and the little boy is still counting, "One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me. One for you and one for me..." Then he stops, and it gets really quiet.

Finally he says to his brother, "Now let's go get the two nuts on the other side of the wall."


Betcha ya didn't know...

I dunno how many of you know that I write. But I've got a fanfiction account. So, if you ever wanna read any of my story, or you're just bored you can go look at it. Here's the URL:


Hope to see you [or your criticism] there!